Athletic Pro II
Athletic Pro II
Athletic Pro II is tailored to athletic fields, playgrounds, golf course roughs, or other high traffic areas that receive less‐than‐optimal maintenance, where superior quality and long‐term durability are desired. Athletic Pro II performs well at…
Learn more >Blue Genes
Blue Genes
Blue Genes is a 3‐way Kentucky bluegrass blend selected from elite Jacklin varieties such as: Award, NuDestiny, NuGlade, Everest, EverGlade Developed for excellent turf quality over a broad range of environmental conditions, the varieties in…
Learn more >Heisman
Jacklin Seed’s Heisman Mixture is the MVP of Seed blends. Our Heisman Mixture is designed for the discriminating turf manager who recognizes the value of seeding or overseeding with a high percentage of Kentucky bluegrass…
Learn more >L-93 Bentgrass
L-93 Bentgrass
Loft’s L-93 Creeping Bentgrass has superior resistance to dollar spot--saved money in fungicide sprays, according to university tests Top #1 performance in tee and fairway categories at two consecutive national trials Upright, fine-blade leaves, but…
Learn more >L-93 XD Bentgrass
L-93 XD Bentgrass
Taking it to a whole new level, L-93 XD is a new generation bentgrass earning the “XD” for Xtra Disease tolerances.
Learn more >Overseeder II
Overseeder II
Jacklin’s Overseeder II Mixture is designed for the renovation of turf areas subjected to damage from diseases such as necrotic ringspot, summer patch, Poa annua infestation or heavy traffic. This agronomic mixture was selected to…
Learn more >Scottish Links
Scottish Links
Jacklin’s Scoƫsh Links Mixture consists of low‐growing fine fescues well adapted to the harsh conditions of golf course roughs and bunker faces. Left unmown, this formula provides maintenance savings, erosion control, and adaptation under varying…
Learn more >V-8 Bentgrass
V-8 Bentgrass
V8 is a new Jacklin bentgrass variety with close-cut tolerance for lightning fast greens and improved dollar spot resistance to greatly reduce fungicide requirements.
Learn more >TurfType TF
TurfType TF
Blend of three new generation tall fescues (Festuca arundinacea) such as: Inferno, Arid 3, Quest A high-quality product capable of performing under a broad range of climatic conditions without problems with segregation common to other…
Learn more >Alpha Bentgrass
Alpha Bentgrass
Championship conditions without the championship maintenance. Unparalleled ground coverage and density, ball marks and divots heal rapidly. Brown patch resistance equal to the best. Makes visible gains on Poa annua each year.
Learn more >Bent Grass T1
Bent Grass T1
Aggressive against Poa annua, tenacious ground cover. The forgiving bentgrasses: championship conditions with the championship maintenance.
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