Scottish Links

Jacklin’s Scoƫsh Links Mixture consists of low‐growing fine fescues well adapted to the harsh conditions of golf course roughs and bunker faces. Left unmown, this formula provides maintenance savings, erosion control, and adaptation under varying soil conditions. It offers an aesthetically pleasing long‐grassed links appearance.

Wide Range of Management: This mixture adapts to a wide range of management regimes. It is tolerant of shade, low fertility, and reduced irrigation in parks, home lawns, golf course roughs, roadsides, and utility turf.

Can be Left Unmown: Cutting heights should be maintained from 1.5 in. (4 cm) to unmown. The 8 lbs. (40 g) seeding rate, see below, will reduce early summer seedhead development where left unmown.

Low Fertility Requirements: For optimum performance and stress tolerance, fertilize no more than 2 lbs. of nitrogen/1,000 .2 (10g/m2) per growing season with not more than 1 lbs. (0.45 kgs) of nitrogen or potash per application.

Seeding Rate: For best results, seeding rates are 4‐8 lbs. per 1,000 2 (20‐40g/m2). New Seeding with rotary or drop seeder: 150‐250 lbs./acre (170‐280 kgs/ha) Overseeding with slicer/seeder: 150‐200 lbs./acre (170‐225 kgs/ha)


  • Quality turf even on unfavorable site
  • Tolerant of reduced nitrogen and restricted moisture
  • Very good adaptation to both heavy shade and full sunlight
  • Adaptable to a wide range of soil pH