Overseeder II

Jacklin’s Overseeder II Mixture is designed for the renovation of turf areas subjected to damage from diseases such as necrotic ringspot, summer patch, Poa annua infestation or heavy traffic. This agronomic mixture was selected to produce an elite turf with broad environmental tolerance and is well adapted for golf courses, athletic fields, home lawns, and […]


Jacklin Seed’s Heisman Mixture is the MVP of Seed blends. Our Heisman Mixture is designed for the discriminating turf manager who recognizes the value of seeding or overseeding with a high percentage of Kentucky bluegrass with limited perennial ryegrass. We believe this combination makes for the ideal turf and research has shown that Jacklin Heisman’s […]

Blue Genes

Blue Genes is a 3‐way Kentucky bluegrass blend selected from elite Jacklin varieties such as: Award, NuDestiny, NuGlade, Everest, EverGlade Developed for excellent turf quality over a broad range of environmental conditions, the varieties in Jacklin’s Blue Genes mixture complement each other. All cultivars have been selected for a high level of disease resistance and […]


Aquatrols’ patented Synergy Technology is an advanced soil surfactant which improves penetration, reduces run-off and improves product performance. Synergy Label Synergy SDS

Caltrisal ST

Caltrisal ST™ is a unique organic acid formulation that improves the solubility of gypsum by up to 40% for better performance. It also aggregates clay soil particles which improves structure and increases porosity for better water infiltration. Caltrisal ST Data Sheet

AquaPlex Ca

AquaPlex Ca™ is a new liquid calcium treatment that provides readily available soluble calcium with an organic calcium solubilizing agent and patented Synergy Technology™.

AquaPlex Amino

AquaPlex amino™ is a sprayable osmotic regulator that will help enhance your turf’s natural ability to manage stress and tolerate high EC environments. AquaPlex amino works within the plant to improve water and nutrient uptake by balancing osmotic potential and minimize the impact of stress caused by high EC. AquaPlex Amino SDS


Blast™ is a unique acid formulation combined with Synergy Technology™. It safely dissolves carbonate build-up in the soil, rapidly opens soil pores for better infiltration and percolation of water, and frees up calcium, magnesium and other bound nutrients. Blast gives you a healthier growing environment and better turf. Available as a spray and injectable. Blast […]


Radiance prevents algae in ponds, lakes and fountains using a self dispersing delivery system that stays suspended in the water column for more complete treatment and is safe for fish-bearing ponds. Apply initial dose at 1/3 gallon (44 ounces) per acre-foot of water. Apply maintenance dosage of 1/6 gallon (22 ounces) per acre-foot of water. […]

LeafShield Anti-Transpirant

LeafShield protects trees, shrubs and turf against drying during transplanting or desiccating winter conditions. Spray trees and shrubs with 8 ounces in 1 gallon of water to protect plants ex-posed to desiccating winter weather and salt spray. Spray turf before first snow cover at 2 ounces per 1,000 sqft. Available sizes: 2.5 gallon LeafShield Label […]