Tessman Stock Blends
Mountain View Seed Blends 50 # Bags
FAST N FULL (Sun-Shade Blend)
20% Kentucky Bluegrass – 40% Perennial Rye – 40% Creeping Red Fescue
Formulated to provide a durable, high quality turf for a home lawn or playground area. It has a very quick establishment, good traffic tolerance and is low maintenance. Fast ‘n Full is used extensively on yards with higher than normal traffic. Also ideal for playgrounds and great for over-seeding high wear areas. Works well in sunny and shady environments.
Premium Sunny Mix
60% Kentucky Bluegrass – 20% Perennial Rye – 20% Creeping Red Fescue
The mixture is formulated to create a beautiful turf, and help eliminate problems in areas that are exposed to intense sunlight. Mowing height is 2-3 inches, but not less than 1.5 inches.
Premium Shade Mix
10% Kentucky Bluegrass – 30% Perennial Rye – 60% Creeping Red Fescue
The mix is designed to provide an attractive turf in areas where minimal sunlight exposure creates problems. Shaded turf areas are sensitive to heavy traffic. Leaves should be kept cleared in spring and fall. Mowing height of 2-3 inches is suggested.
Athletic 1 Mix
50% Kentucky Bluegrass – 50% Perennial Rye
A mixture that is designed specifically for non-irrigated athletic fields, that requires less maintenance, with excellent cold hardiness and wear tolerance with quick recoveries. Mowing height should be 2-3 inches.
Athletic 2 Mix with WaterGuard Seed Coating
50% Kentucky Bluegrass – 50% Regenerating Perennial Rye (RPR)
A mixture for irrigated athletic fields. Has excellent durability in high traffic areas, with a quick recovery from damage. This mixture has a rich, dark green color and excellent disease resistance. Mowing heights should be 2-3 inches.