Dispatch Sprayable
For those who do not have the option to inject straight into an irrigation system, we provide Dispatch Sprayable.
- Reduce runoff on sloped turf areas by 20% or more
- Reduce water use on cool-season grass by up to 25%
- Reduce water use on warm-season grass by up to 50%
- Improve nitrogen efficiency
- Enhance penetration and distribution of water, nutrients & chemicals into the soil
- Increase distribution uniformity of irrigation systems in treated areas
- Maintain turf quality at reduced ET replacement rates
Dispatch Sprayable can be tank mixed with most turf management products and sprayed weekly at 8 ounces per acre, every 2 weeks at 16 ounces per acre, or every 3 weeks at 24 ounces per acre.
Available sizes:
2.5 gallon and 30 gallon