Chlorothalonil 720 SFT
Chlorothalonil 720 SFT provides economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs and flowers.
Features & Benefits
• Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides
• Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals
• Contact mode of action for quick results
• Multi-site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use
Active Ingredient
54% Chlorothalonil
Use Sites
Nursery, greenhouse, landscape, irrigation, golf courses
Effective Against
Dollar spot, brown patch, Algae, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Fusarium, Rust
2 x 2.5 gallon jugs/case (36 cases/pallet)
Mode of Action
Multi-site, contact, preventative