Blueray Fine Fescue
Blueray is an improved Festuca brevipila exhibiting a unique dark blue-green color. Its behavior resembles the American sheep’s type fescue but without the silver-gray color tint. Growth rate is slow and mature plant height is medium low. Blueray forms a moderately dense cover that is more tolerant of drought and reduced and fertility. Disease resistance and cold tolerance are excellent.
Blueray is responsive to a range of growing environments and design preferences. It can be left unmown under minimal fertility on golf course roughs, slopes and open areas for economical cover and erosion protection, resulting in a more natural look. It can also be regularly mowed at reduced height in fairway and turf situations where it’s unique color provides a visually appealing contrast with surrounding grasses.
Persistent but not overly competitive, Blueray can be combined with wildflowers and other native plants.