Fall Broadleaf Weed Control
Fall is the perfect time to act!

By Scottie Hines, CGCS
Fall is the ideal time to eliminate broadleaf weeds in lawns, parks, golf courses and cemeteries. Perennial broadleaf weeds such as: Chickweeds, Clovers, Creeping Charlie, Dandelion, Docks, Mallow, Plantains, Purslane, Thistles, Yarrow, and Wild Violet are better controlled with fall foliar applications of herbicides. Annual broadleaf weeds are also easily controlled at this time of year.
As we edge closer to winter these plants are pushing all available carbohydrates to the roots to better survive winter and come out of the gates strong the following spring. As plants are doing this they will also translocate foliar applied herbicides to the roots as well. This gives you the best opportunity to kill them dead!
Any labeled broadleaf herbicide will be more effective in fall, however Cool Power from Nufarm is specially formulated for cooler daytime temperatures that are typical in the fall and spring of the year. Cool Power has three active ingredients: MCPA, Triclopyr and Dicamba. Label application rates range from 0.91 – 1.29 oz/1000 sq. ft.
For increased efficacy, add Jay-Mar’s Chameleon spreader/sticker at 0.5 – 0.64 oz/1000 sq. ft.
A 1993 graduate of Penn State University with a B.S. in Agronomy (Turfgrass) Scottie Hines has been working in the golf world in some manner for over 35 years. Having been at several top private golf clubs including Laurel Valley Golf Club, Oakmont Country Club, Baltusrol Golf Club and, most recently, Windsong Farm Golf Club.
He was an assistant golf course superintendent for three U.S. Opens (’89 Senior, ’92 women’s and ’94 Open) and a superintendent for the 2000 U.S. Amateur.
When not on the greens, you can find him at the local curling club, cheering his children on to victories while wearing his kilt.
Scottie joined Tessman Company as in inside sales person in 2018.