
Quali-Pro® has been a leader in the development of innovative and post-patent formulations, offering professionals the industry’s widest array of active ingredients. Quali-Pro provides solutions for lawn care professionals, sports turf managers, and golf course superintendents that are backed by university research and a dedicated staff of professionals.


Aquatrols®, the world leader in turfgrass water management, offers a complete range of products to help solve soil and water quality issues and to help manage plant stress. Golf course superintendents worldwide are relying upon Aquatrols® surfactants to improve irrigation efficiency, heal dry spots, and to save water and energy. Aquatrols® carefully tested products improve […]


BASF’s expertise in plant health and plant protection extends much further than agriculture. BASF caters to the needs of golf superintendents and greenkeepers, as well as professional sports and amenity turf managers in keeping hard-working turf robust and healthy. BASF’s products combat pests and diseases and to ensure healthy plants.

Jay Mar

Jay-Mar, Inc. provides turf professionals with liquid fertilizers.

Sustane Natural Base Fertilizers

OMRI certified Suståne is a line of fertilizers and soil builders that combines the many benefits of high quality compost with the performance and precision of a slow release fertilizer. Suståne is the world’s leading manufacturer-exporter of organic and natural base slow release nitrogen fertilizers for all green industries. Suståne’s products are designed for organic […]


Each of Yara’s fertilizers are specially formulated to provide the most accurate formula based on the specific needs of the situation.

Belden Plastics

Belden Plastics has been providing innovative, USA-Made, injection molded plastic pots to growers since 1965. Known for developing a product that independent garden centers can count on to help build their business, Belden pots are superior in quality, provide innovative grower friendly features all with 100% recycled materials.